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    1. 智能化与集成化:智能化幕墙系统将更加普及,通过集成传感器、智能调控系统等,实现能源管理、环境适应性等功能。例如,能够根据室内外环境变化自动调节透光率、通风量等,提升建筑的舒适度和节能效果.
    3. 异形曲面幕墙发展:基于数字化技术制造的异形曲面幕墙市场规模有望进一步扩大,满足建筑外观设计的个性化和复杂化需求。


    1. 头部企业市占率提高:随着建筑业推广工程总承包制度、对业主的资金实力要求增强,以及重大项目增多,大型建筑企业的承揽能力更强,在市场中获取更大的份额,行业集中度将呈现增加趋势。头部企业的市场占有率有望随着下游建筑业主的集中度提高而提高.


    1. 节能环保成为主流:在国家大力推进“碳中和”以及绿色建筑背景下,节能环保型幕墙产品将受到市场青睐。例如,太阳能光伏一体化幕墙(BIPV)能够实现光伏发电与建筑一体化,为建筑提供清洁能源,减少碳排放.




"China's Architectural Curtain Wall Leads Globally" 0 Replies 90 Read Architectural Ceiling Walls China's building curtain wall technology is in a leading position in the world, mainly reflected in the following aspects: Market size - 1. The world's largest producer and consumer: China has experienced rapid development of the building curtain wall industry since the 1990s, and has now become the world's biggest producer and consumer of building curtain walls. In 2023, China's construction curtain wall market reached 541.676 billion yuan, while the global construction curtain wall market was 110.35 billion U.S. dollars, China occupies an important position in the global market. 2. Glass curtain wall market share: In 2023, China's glass curtain wall market reached 37.115 billion US dollars, accounting for about 58.26% of the global glass curtain wall market, indicating China's strong competitiveness in the field of glass curtain wall. Technical level - 1. Close to or reaching advanced levels abroad: China's leading enterprises in the construction curtain wall industry have approached or reached advanced technologies in research and development, design, production and construction. Domestic enterprises have relied on the advantages of advanced manufacturing, the advantage of concentration of raw materials and the cost of human resources to become the dominant force in the market.     2. Digital technology applications: China has also developed in the field of exotic curved curtain walls manufactured using digital technology. The application of digital technology has improved the accuracy and efficiency of curtain wall manufacturing, promoting the technological progress of the industry. 3. Research and development of new materials and technologies: Domestic enterprises actively introduce advanced technologies from abroad, and strengthen their independent research and development capabilities to promote the technological advancement and industrial upgrading of the curtain wall industry. For example, high-tech products such as double-layered curtain walls and photovoltaic curtain frames gradually entered the market, meeting the market's demand for high performance. Demand for environmentally friendly and energy-saving curtain wall - Industrial chain advantages - 1. Adequate supply of raw materials: China is a major global aluminum industry, and the output and consumption of aluminum products ranked first in the world for many years in a row. Aluminum is one of the important raw materials for construction curtain wall production, and adequate raw material supply provides a solid foundation for the development of the construction curtain industry. 2. Manufacturing advantage: China has mature manufacturing technology and rich manufacturing experience, capable of producing various types of building curtain products to meet the needs of different buildings. At the same time, the relatively low cost of human resources in China also provides an advantage for the production of the construction curtain wall industry. International Influence - 1. Undertaking overseas business: With the continuous improvement of Chinese construction curtain wall technology and the expansion of the international market, more and more Chinese enterprises are beginning to undertake overseas business. This not only enhances the international influence of China's construction curtain wall industry, but also promotes technical exchanges and cooperation. 2. Participate in international standard-setting: China actively participates in the formulation of international standards in the field of construction curtain wall, which helps to enhance the international discourse of Chinese construction curtain technology and promotes the better integration of China's construction curtain industry into the international market. In summary, China's construction curtain wall technology is highly competitive on a global scale, and is a leader in terms of market size, technology level, industrial chain advantage, and international influence. In the future, with the continuous innovation of technology and the further expansion of the market, China's construction curtain wall industry is expected to continue to maintain its global leading position.



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